Saturday, February 12, 2022

Query recently created users in Azure AD

Recently had a project where we wanted to identify users created an automated process in the last day. This script gets the job done.

#Gather a list of recently created users

#specify time that will be compared against -24 is the most recent 24 hours
#you can use the option funtion addDays for a longer time period
#Note that time from AzureAD is UTC

$time = (get-date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours(-24)

$users = Get-AzureADUser -All

$newusers = New-Object Collections.Generic.List

foreach ($u in $users) {
    # Write-Host $u.ExtensionProperty.createdDateTime
    If ([datetime]$u.ExtensionProperty.createdDateTime -gt $time) {

Write-host "There are " $newusers.count " new users"

Friday, February 4, 2022

Dell XPS 13 9380 Pulsating Fan

Short version: BIOS 1.17.0 released Jan 2022 appears to fix pulsating fan issue for Dell XPS 13 9380 in Windows 11

Update: I'm still seeing the pulsating fan occasionally, but less than before the BIOS update.

I recently upgraded my Dell XPS 13 9380 to Windows 11. The entire process was smooth and fast. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it went.

About an hour after the upgrade, as the computer was going to sleep, the fan started to turn on and off at about 1 second intervals. This pulsating stopped if you woke up the computer or (oddly) if you unplugged it from power.

When in doubt, update all drivers and firmware. So, I used Dell Support Assist to download and update all the drivers and firmware. There were about 10 updates. And after applying updates and a restart all seemed good for about 24 hours.

The next afternoon, the fan started to pulsate again. Some Windows Updates had applied since the Dell updates were installed and I was concerned that might be causing the issue. In desperation, I ran Support Assist again, and it showed two updates to apply. One of which was BIOS firmware version 1.17.0.

The BIOS update showed in the history as having been installed yesterday, but it must not have applied properly. This time, the BIOS update applied properly and the problem appears to be resolved.